Looking to get your systems running seamlessly in an uninterrupted workflow?
Proactive and predictive remote monitoring and capabilities makes it possible to pre-empt issues, prevent them from reoccurring and resolve them quickly to enhance clinical availability.
We’ve pioneered the provision of remote technical, clinical, and educational services needed to maintain and improve your equipment’s peak operating performance, train your staff and ensure continuous support. Interested to find out more?
Depending on the service agreement selected, we secure uptime of your valuable equipment.
In the increasing majority of cases, Philips remote experts act quickly and remotely to identify and resolve issues and prevent unnecessary downtime.
Get the right parts on-site during the first visit to fix the system and embed remote capabilities into your daily management
Embed proactive and predictive capabilities to create seamless, efficient workflows and ensure that your equipment is ready when your patients and professionals need it.
Medical equipment is a sophisticated and vital asset that needs to be fully utilized and affordably maintained. And yet keeping medical equipment up to date and working efficiently is a delicate balancing act.
With system availability and continuity of care business critical, remote services are delivered as key capabilities within our range of flexible maintenance contracts. Depending on the contract selected, remote capabilities such as remote monitoring will already be built in, or can be requested.
[1] Depending on type of service agreement. Individual service agreements may vary per market [2] Based on global Philips MR modality only data from Aug 2023 to Jul 2024 for remotely connected systems under service contract
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