With step-by-step voice commands, Philips HeartStart AEDs guide you through the process of treating a victim of suspected sudden cardiac arrest. We support you with clinical training, services, accessories and programs to help give you the confidence and peace of mind when using an AED.
We support you with How-To videos, clinical training, and phone and chat support.
Philips HeartStart OnSite AED allows anyone with little or no training to treat the most common cause of sudden cardiac arrest.
Setting up your AED is easy. The entire procedure is complete in just a few minutes and the device is ready to use.
Fill out a short form and an AED expert will reach out to you as soon as possible.
SMART Pads detect the rescuer’s initial touch and guide the AED to adapt the instructions to the precise pace of the responder. The voice prompts won’t overwhelm, run ahead of you, or slow you down.
SMART analysis automatically assesses the victim’s heart rhythm. Whether the victim is a man, woman, or child, it delivers the right amount of therapy and only if it is needed. Even if you press the shock button, it will only deliver therapy if the rhythm is determined to be shockable.
When you observe someone suffering from a suspected SCA, you should act quickly. We’ve equipped OnSite with integrated SMART Pads. Just place the SMART Pads on the person’s bare skin, and they will provide feedback to the AED so it can adapt its voice instructions to your actions and your pace. The SMART Pads sense when they have been placed on the patient and when you’ve completed each step. The system won’t announce the next step until you are ready. Prompts are repeated and
Philips AED Services helps you manage your AEDs through our array of management tools and resources.
Need to buy AED supplies like batteries or pads? Visit the Philips store for a wide selection of supplies.
Looking for AED trainers or AED accessories? Visit the AED accessories page for HeartStart trainer kits.
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