How will your department become more integrated to improve care?
We bring data-driven insights that measure performance across modalities and information systems, helping increase productivity for your staff and to enhance your radiology department’s bottom line. We partner with you to provide the data, analysis and consultation to help you meet the operational goals of your department—together with our award-winning customer service.
At La Fe Hospital in Valencia, Spain, data from Philips PerformanceBridge is enhancing operations management*.
At Maastricht UMC+ in the Netherlands, data helps staff manage radiation dose with clarity and confidence*.
*Results from this facility are not predictive of results in other facilities. Results in other facilities may vary.
Radiology services in a value-based industry: Why yesterday’s strategy no longer works
What are your biggest challenges in informatics? Whether its interoperability across your enterprise or achieving greater standardization of care, we partner with you to deeply understand your infrastructure and operations, and deliver solutions that help your transform your health system. Reach out using the form below to get started.
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