Efficiency is essential to radiology. It can lead to fast reporting of critical findings, minimize the need for rescans, improve image uniformity, provide clear action reports for the referrer and enhance the patient experience. Our portfolio of integrated workflow solutions supports you in connecting workflows across the imaging enterprise to help improve outcomes for patients and enhance the efficiency and work experience of radiologists, technologists and administrators. Gaining time through workflow improvements means more time for you and your patients every day.
Philips radiology workflow solutions
reduction in patient no-shows1
of MR exams able to run fully automated2
of ultrasound patient consultations can be through tele-health3
reduction in average reporting time4
See how Perinatal Associates of New Mexico significantly enhanced its practice by seeing patients remotely in real time with tele‐ultrasound.
Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital increased reading productivity by 50% with the allocation of the right exam to the right professional.4
Hospital Nuestra Señora del Rosario saved 1-2 minutes per patient through integrated workflow within a single workspace for radiologists.5
Boston Medical Center shortens MR exams with PerformanceBridge Protocol Manager.6
Explore our end-to-end vendor-neutral solutions that leverage AI7 to simplify and efficiently connect workflows across the imaging enterprise to help reduce variability and staff workload, increase productivity and enhance the patient experience.
Inform, educate, engage and comfort patients throughout the care journey with personalized tools.
Promote efficiency and confidence in image acquisition with smart systems and smart workflows.
AI-driven platforms for workflow orchestration, data access, advanced analysis, reporting and clinical collaboration.
Integrated, AI-driven enterprise scalable platforms for smart reading and reporting.
Tools and data insights for continuous performance improvement.
This Radiology Operations Command Center is a revolutionary capacity.... I love the fact that every time I see a connection, I know that I'm improving quality and consistency and the fundamental principle of ‘let's get the exam right the first time’.... This is really probably one of the most quality-focused, impactful tools that we've had.”
Dr. Lawrence Tanenbaum
Chief Technology Officer & Director of Advanced Imaging & VP, RadNet Inc., US
The Philips Radiology Workflow Suite brings together powerful workflow solutions to improve experiences and outcomes across the imaging enterprise to help you deliver the right care in the right sequence at the right time.
Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.
Some products are only available for sale in selected markets, please check with your local Philips sales representative.
1. Advancing key performance indicators with pre-visit navigation: A case study with Boston Medical Center. Philips, 2020. 2. Using Philips MR Smart Workflow. 3. Prospective study of 30 subjects undergoing routine obstetric ultrasound imaging, New Mexico, USA. Michael S. Ruma, et al. The use of a novel telemedicine tool in perinatology [abstract]. 30th ISUOG World Congress, 2020. 4. Results at Campus Bio-Medico University Hospital using integrated informatics solutions. 5. Results at Hospital Nuestra Señora del Rosario using integrated informatics solutions. 6. Results at Boston Medical Center using AI technologies for MR. 7. According to the definition of AI from the EU High-Level Expert Group.
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