StentBoost Live

See clearly, stent confidently

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Instantaneous enhanced live visualization, to position and deploy balloons, stents and bioresorbable vascular scaffolds, reducing overall procedure time.

Live enhanced visualization
Live enhanced visualization

Live enhanced visualization

StentBoost Live, enhanced live stent visualization, is our most advanced technology to quickly verify positioning both before and after deploying balloons, stents, and BVS devices, to display underdeployed stents, and to confirm fully expanded stents.

Live enhanced visualization

Live enhanced visualization
StentBoost Live, enhanced live stent visualization, is our most advanced technology to quickly verify positioning both before and after deploying balloons, stents, and BVS devices, to display underdeployed stents, and to confirm fully expanded stents.

Live enhanced visualization

StentBoost Live, enhanced live stent visualization, is our most advanced technology to quickly verify positioning both before and after deploying balloons, stents, and BVS devices, to display underdeployed stents, and to confirm fully expanded stents.
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Live enhanced visualization
Live enhanced visualization

Live enhanced visualization

StentBoost Live, enhanced live stent visualization, is our most advanced technology to quickly verify positioning both before and after deploying balloons, stents, and BVS devices, to display underdeployed stents, and to confirm fully expanded stents.
Effectiveness and efficiency
Effectiveness and efficiency

Effectiveness and efficiency

Designed for procedural effectiveness and greater efficiency with enhanced visualization of guiding and positioning intra-coronary devices. StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.

Effectiveness and efficiency

Effectiveness and efficiency
Designed for procedural effectiveness and greater efficiency with enhanced visualization of guiding and positioning intra-coronary devices. StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.

Effectiveness and efficiency

Designed for procedural effectiveness and greater efficiency with enhanced visualization of guiding and positioning intra-coronary devices. StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.
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Effectiveness and efficiency
Effectiveness and efficiency

Effectiveness and efficiency

Designed for procedural effectiveness and greater efficiency with enhanced visualization of guiding and positioning intra-coronary devices. StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.
Seamless integration

Seamless integration

StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.

Seamless integration

StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.

Seamless integration

StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.
  • Live enhanced visualization
  • Effectiveness and efficiency
  • Seamless integration
See all features
Live enhanced visualization
Live enhanced visualization

Live enhanced visualization

StentBoost Live, enhanced live stent visualization, is our most advanced technology to quickly verify positioning both before and after deploying balloons, stents, and BVS devices, to display underdeployed stents, and to confirm fully expanded stents.

Live enhanced visualization

Live enhanced visualization
StentBoost Live, enhanced live stent visualization, is our most advanced technology to quickly verify positioning both before and after deploying balloons, stents, and BVS devices, to display underdeployed stents, and to confirm fully expanded stents.

Live enhanced visualization

StentBoost Live, enhanced live stent visualization, is our most advanced technology to quickly verify positioning both before and after deploying balloons, stents, and BVS devices, to display underdeployed stents, and to confirm fully expanded stents.
Click here for more information
Live enhanced visualization
Live enhanced visualization

Live enhanced visualization

StentBoost Live, enhanced live stent visualization, is our most advanced technology to quickly verify positioning both before and after deploying balloons, stents, and BVS devices, to display underdeployed stents, and to confirm fully expanded stents.
Effectiveness and efficiency
Effectiveness and efficiency

Effectiveness and efficiency

Designed for procedural effectiveness and greater efficiency with enhanced visualization of guiding and positioning intra-coronary devices. StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.

Effectiveness and efficiency

Effectiveness and efficiency
Designed for procedural effectiveness and greater efficiency with enhanced visualization of guiding and positioning intra-coronary devices. StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.

Effectiveness and efficiency

Designed for procedural effectiveness and greater efficiency with enhanced visualization of guiding and positioning intra-coronary devices. StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.
Click here for more information
Effectiveness and efficiency
Effectiveness and efficiency

Effectiveness and efficiency

Designed for procedural effectiveness and greater efficiency with enhanced visualization of guiding and positioning intra-coronary devices. StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.
Seamless integration

Seamless integration

StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.

Seamless integration

StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.

Seamless integration

StentBoost Live features instantaneous processing, eliminating the need to wait for new images before stent repositioning.

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