Aiming for Zero
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Aiming for zero

unplanned equipment

Providing care today means making every investment worthwhile and every usable moment count. To achieve this you want to maximize your productivity by reducing the unplanned downtime of your equipment as much as possible.

We want to work together with you to aim for zero unplanned equipment downtime. It’s an ambitious target, but definately worthwhile. Every step closer to zero is a step closer to better care for your patient.

We partner with you in a flexible, tailored way, that focuses on predictive rather than reactive maintenance. In this way, issues may be addressed before they impact your ability to provide continuous care. Which can help you in your aim for systems that are always on and ready.

Count on us, as your patients count on you.

Together we can bring your hospital management and operational efficiency to new levels.


Stay informed on our services to reduce unplanned equipment downtime.


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By specifying your reason for contact we will be able to provide you with a better service.

We work with partners and distributors who may contact you about this Philips product on our behalf.


Philips väärtustab ja austab oma klientide privaatsust. Võite igal ajal oma nõusoleku tagasi võtta. Lisainfo saamiseks lugege palun Philipsi Privaatsuspoliitikat.

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We now work proactively rather than reactively if an issue occurs. This reduces the likelihood of costly downtime and, in turn, minimizes the impact on patients.


Peter Heidi, Head of Hospital Technology, Marienhospital


for zero

Predictive maintenance is on the rise. We envision that, by 2018, one in

every five system service events will be triggered by careful analysis of

system data - and will therefore take place before any major issues arise.

There are three ways to help increase your uptime: Download the full infographic ›

icon service

Reactive customer call handling and maintenance service


Customer informs Philips of a problem experienced with the product. Philips will diagnose the problem remotely and if possible resolves the issue remotely.


Otherwise a field service engineer will be dispatched with guidance and needed parts for a single visit repair.

icon heart monitoring

Alert response


Alerts that are generated by the device itself or equipment installed at the hospital facility indicating that critical system and/or environmental parameters and conditions are out of specification.

icon three raising bar

Proactive monitoring


By means of data analytics algorithms, machine and service data is constantly analyzed to identify patterns and trends. These notifications are predictive in nature, enabling a service action to be scheduled in advance without interrupting regular clinical workflow.

More ways to reduce unplanned downtime

taking control of radiation dose

Taking control of radiation dose


By continuously looking for ways to efficiently manage radiation dose during clinical procedures, we help enable overall reduced radiation exposure for patients and staff.

Keeping assets up and running

Keep assets up and running


Our Customer Services Portal is a gateway to a wealth of services designed to make sure your organization's assets are up and running as often as possible.


Whitepaper - The impact of Remote Services on reducing downtime

Remote Services and reducing downtime

Q & A – Reaping the benefits of remote services

Helping increase uptime with remote services infographic

Remote Services infographic

Yes I want to reduce unplanned downtime!


Contact information

* This field is mandatory


By specifying your reason for contact we will be able to provide you with a better service.

We work with partners and distributors who may contact you about this Philips product on our behalf.


Philips väärtustab ja austab oma klientide privaatsust. Võite igal ajal oma nõusoleku tagasi võtta. Lisainfo saamiseks lugege palun Philipsi Privaatsuspoliitikat.

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