Enterprise-wide cybersecurity

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With so many complex quadruple aim demands on C-suite level time, many healthcare organizations have tended to afford responsibility for cybersecurity to the technical experts, assuming that the CTO or CISO (chief information security officer), if there is one, will take ownership. And yet, many CTOs or CISOs will only have visibility over a limited part of the enterprise, making board level knowledge and budget allocation, critical

Healthcare is the tenth most targeted industry by cyber criminals. And so, with CEO and COOs’ remits spanning the full organization, change maker senior leaders are importantly positioned to develop and deploy enterprise wide cybersecurity. In fact, the commitment to managing effective cybersecurity needs to be horizontal, breaking down silos to forge an ongoing collaboration between healthcare operations and technology personnel.

In this quick read, we explore the must-knows and must deploys for managing healthcare cybersecurity as a senior level, pose the key questions all C-suite changemakers need to be asking themselves and outline top tips for preventing a healthcare data breaches and cybersecurity threats.

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