Philips neuroradiology solutions bring advanced research-level features to the clinical environment with MR-safe audio and visual display for entertainment and fMRI paradigm delivery, and an advanced post-processing system.
DynaSuite Neuro is an advanced post-processing system with a clinically focused workflow and a unique ability to perform automated processing of data acquired from multiple MR vendors. From diagnosis to treatment planning, DynaSuite Neuro offers custom tools for advanced applications in one easy-to-use package designed for neuroradiologists.
An audio and visual display for entertainment and fMRI paradigm delivery within the MRI suite, SensaVue offers benefits for both the patient and clinician. With several media entertainment options available to the patient, SensaVue can help ease the MRI experience. Not limited to entertainment, SensaVue also has the ability to deliver existing and custom-designed research paradigms for neurological exams. Its flexible design allows clinicians to place the mobile stand virtually anywhere in the MRI suite up to 3.0 Tesla.
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