We’re dedicated to deepening our partnership with customers, helping you stay at the forefront of innovation. Take the next step in the journey with SmartPath, by transforming your facility with our latest ultrasound solutions. If replacing is a better option than upgrading in your current situation, we reward your loyalty with best-in-class trade-in and financing programs.
Trade in your current iU22 or iE33 for our next generation premium ultrasound system, EPIQ. EPIQ builds on the best of the iU22 and iE33, offering PureWave and xMatrix transducers for superb image quality, and combines it with our revolutionary imaging architecture, nSIGHT Imaging, to provide exceptional levels of clinical performance. EPIQ features an enhanced user experience, with walk-up usability and tablet-like touch interface. Along with advanced automation and quantification using Anatomical Intelligence EPIQ simplifies exams and creates more robust and reproducible results.
Designed for busy practices that require a powerful combination of performance and workflow, the Affiniti ultrasound system is an ideal system for those looking to trade in their current HD15, HD11, Envisor or HD legacy products. Excellent image quality and PureWave transducers combined with advanced features and applications provide the clinical information you need for quick, confident diagnosis. Affiniti offers an intuitive user interface with easy access to the critical features and a thoughtful design that addresses the challenges of tight spaces and time constraints.
Finding the right ultrasound system is all about balance – Learn more
See how Affiniti brings high-quality imaging to your ultrasound practice and elevates the standard of care for thousands of healthcare institutions around the world:
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